Autori Correlati

Andrea Comba Il Neo Liberismo Internazionale (Strutture Giuridiche a Dimensione Mondiale dagli Accordi di Bretton Woods all’Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio), Giuffré Editore – Milano.
Massimo Coccia Dal GATT 1947 al GATT 1994: Considerazioni Generali e Istituzionali (estratto da Diritto e Organizzazione del Commercio Internazionale
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Massimo Coccia GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) Estratto dal Digesto
Patrick Conway, Sumana Dhar The Economic Effects of Widespread Application of Antidumping Duties to Import Pricing, World Bank – Country Economics Department, n. 782
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Richard N. Cooper Comments and Discussion in Alan O. Sykes Antidumping and Antitrust: What Problems Does Each Address? (Brookings Trade Forum 1998
, Robert Z. Lawrence, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, D.C.), pp. 44-53
Oddone Fantini Dumping, Estratto dal Novissimo Digesto Italiano
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Bernard M. Hoekman, Michael M. Kostecki The Political Economy of the World Trading System: The WTO and beyond
Oxford University Press, 2001
Douglas A. Irwin The Semiconductor Industry in Brookings Trade Forum
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Robert Z. Lawrence Brookings Trade Forum 1998,
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Leccisotti Mario Lezioni di Scienza delle Finanze,
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Mancur Olson The Logic of Collective Action (Public Goods and the Theory of Groups)
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Alan O. Sykes Antidumping and Antitrust: What Problems Does Each Address? in Brooking Trade Forum
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Frank W. Taussig Principles of Economics
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Gabriella Venturini L’Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio
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Frans Engering,
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Edwin Vermulst

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Sebastian Farr
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Andrea Lasagni
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Brink Lindsey
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J. Tavares de Araujo
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